all about coffee beans

Back To Basics: Drink Better Coffee With Different Types of Coffee Beans

Curious about types of coffee beans? Want to know where coffee beans come from? Want to drink better coffee but don’t know where to begin?

You’ve come to the right place! Today, we’ll cover everything you coffee lovers need to know to improve your daily cup of joe. I want to help you understand coffee better.

Let’s improve your daily cup together! Dig in!


Where do coffee beans come from?

The scientific name of a coffee plant: coffea

The coffee plant is native to tropical Africa, Madagascar, Mauritius, and Reunion in the Indian ocean. It grows as a small tree or a shrub.

The coffee trees grow purple or red berries, which are known as coffee cherries. The seeds of the coffee plant are coffee beans, which are actually seeds in the coffee cherries, two per cherry.

Now, the fun fact is that the caffeine in the coffee beans is toxic and is meant to somewhat naturally protect the seeds of Coffea from herbivores (says Wikipedia), even though this doesn’t seem to work in all cases (there are animals that adore sweet and ripe coffee cherries!).

There are two ways of how to get coffee beans from the cherries:

  1. The wet method: workers either separate the cherry flesh from the beans and ferment the beans by soaking them in water (historically, this method was used in Central America and a few places in Africa).
  2. The dry method: workers spread out the coffee cherries in the sun for up to 3 weeks, turning them and letting them dry naturally (traditionally, this method was used for beans of lower quality in Brazil and the majority of Africa).

After this process, the coffee beans are roasted (see more on roasting types below) and ground.

How many kinds of coffee are there?

There are more than 120 different species of the Coffea but the two most famous ones are Arabica and Robusta; you can find a list of different types of coffee beans below. What’s interesting to know is that there are more species being discovered regularly; in 2008 they discovered 2 new species in Cameroon!

Beans from different countries have a different body, acidity, flavor, and aroma. These are not limited to the growing region only but also the characteristics of the bean type, coffee plant species, and processing. Generally, the names Java, Kona, Colombian are given to coffees based on the region where it is grown.

Coffee bean locations: region guides

Most commonly the coffee plants thrive on higher altitudes and they dislike freezing temperatures. Have a look at the map to see where the coffee in your cup comes from!

Coffee bean types around the world

Where does coffee grow?

Nowadays, coffee is grown all over the world since it’s one of the most widely traded and popular commodities in the world. It’s an important export product for a number of countries, such as Africa, Indonesia, Central and South America, and the Caribbean.

To give you an idea, the top producing countries today are:

  • Brasil
  • Vietnam
  • Colombia
  • Indonesia
  • Ethiopia

Apart from these 5, coffee is produced in more than 70 countries in the world.

Coffee From the Americas:

Coffee from the African region:

  • Kenyan coffee
  • Ethiopian coffee
  • Rwandan coffee
  • Yemen coffee

Coffee from Asia and Oceania:

  • Sumatran coffee
  • Sulawesi coffee
  • Papua New Guinea coffee

Did you know that they also grow coffee in China? You can find the entire list of countries by coffee production here.

What does a coffee plant look like?What does a coffee plant look like

A brief history of coffee

Let’s have a look quickly at coffee history facts; how was coffee introduced to the Americas, and some fun facts about coffee consumption.

How did coffee get its name?

The Arabs had a word for coffee qawah, which somehow entered the Turkish language and turned the Arabian word into kahve. The Dutch apparently loved it; they adopted the word and changed it into koffie. It was through the Dutch language that the word coffee entered the English language back in the 16th century.

How was coffee invented?

There are no certain facts as to how coffee was invented. There are various stories of old that talk about mystics, goat-herders, and sheiks but no one actually knows.

In any case, all these men of legends reported consuming coffee one way or another because it gave them energy, vitality, and helped them suppress hunger. You can read more on the legends of coffee here. In any case, it all happened by chance. The people observed what the animals were doing (eating coffee cherries) and tried it by themselves as well, or ended up accidentally cooking/roasting the coffee berries.

Coffee Bean Types: which beans do we know?

In case you thought there was only one type of coffee beans, you were severely mistaken. But you’re not the only one. Back in the day, I was convinced that coffee was just coffee and that there was no such thing as a variety of coffee bean.

There are four main coffee bean types that are used in the coffee world today commercially. According to this archive, Arabica is grown in Latin America, East Africa, or Asia. Robusta is generally grown in southeast Asia, Brazil, and central Africa. Now, let’s have a look at what are the different types of coffee beans!

1-      Arabica coffee (coffea arabica)

Arabica counts for 60% of the world’s coffee production.

Don’t be fooled: it may be most popular but it’s also the most delicate of the four coffee beans types! It’s quite moody and it can easily succumb to the disease. Since it’s often grown in large quantities, you can imagine how this can easily turn into a serious problem.

Arabica bean is grown in high altitudes, with Brazil being the largest producing country. It loves shade and rain. What’s more, the beans have a bright body, with a wide array of flavors and aromas. They’re also somewhat acidic. If you want to brew the best-tasting cup of Arabica coffee at home, look for the beans with a full body and lower acidity. That sort should be sweet, accompanied by lovely notes of fruits, chocolate, nuts, and florals.

  • Beans are oval and generally larger than other beans on the list
  • Lower caffeine content but more complex structure
  • Best served hot and plain without milk or creamer
  • Great for pour over technique or drip coffee
  • Popular types of Arabica are Blue mountain, Typica, Caturra, Bourbon

Why is it called Arabica coffee?

We’ve established that the origins of coffee go all the way back to Ethiopia. But the Arabica got its name when the bean went on an adventure, namely from Ethiopia, over the Red Sea, to present-day Yemen. You can read more about it in this article.

2-      Robusta coffee beans (coffea caniphora)

Robusta is the second most grown coffee type in the world, right after Arabica. It’s much more tolerant and resistant to the environment and diseases. It can be grown in various altitudes, but it especially loves a hot climate with only occasional rain.

What’s interesting about Robusta is that it contains almost double the caffeine compared to Arabica. Still, this coffee has been grown everywhere, even in the areas that are not best suitable for coffee farming. That’s why the coffee can smell unpleasant or flat.

Overall, Robusta has a heavy body but smooth texture with hints of chocolate and low acidity, somewhat woody quality.

  • Beans are paler than those or Arabica, smaller and more circular
  • It’s ideal for cream and sugar coffees (it’s great for espresso-based drinks and iced coffee recipes since it doesn’t lose the flavor when you add in milk and sugar)

3-      Liberica coffee (coffea liberica family)

This type of coffee is hard to come by, but it still plays an important role in the world of coffee. It originated in Western and Central Africa, but it’s still difficult to grow it commercially.

Liberica plant somewhat managed to get to the radar of governments and farmers in the late 19th century, when Arabica was severely damaged by the disease called coffee rust. The Philippines were the first country to try Liberica and the results were promising at the beginning. But because of the dispute between the Philippines and the USA, Liberica disappeared off the radar until 1995.

Overall, Liberica coffee has a unique aroma with fruity and floral notes. It is full-bodied with a smoky taste, woody even or jungle-y. Those who’ve tried it claim that it is nothing like they’ve ever tasted before:

  • Liberica beans are larger than Robusta, Arabica, and Excelsa. They’re also asymmetrical with an almond shape which makes them a very unique coffee bean
  • It can easily improve any blend to which it’s added to

4-      Excelsa coffee beans (Coffea excelsa or Coffea liberica var. dewevrei)

Excelsa is a member of Liberica coffee family, but it’s very different at the same time. It grows in large trees and similar altitudes to Liberica, mostly in SouthEast Asia. It is quite tolerant to dry areas as well as resistant to diseases.

Excelsa makes up about 7% of the worlds’ coffee production. It is largely used in blends to give them an additional kick of flavor and complexity. What’s more, it has a fruity and tart, and dark flavor profile.

[su_box title=”Fun Fact: Decaffeination” style=”soft” box_color=”#6f3d45″]The process of decaffeination happens while the beans are still green and immature. There are many ways in which producers can remove caffeine from coffee; they soak them in hot water or steam them, among other things.[/su_box]

For more info on variety of coffee, have a look at this informational video:

[su_youtube url=”” title=”types of coffee beans”]

[su_list icon=”icon: coffee”]Coffee Beans List To Consider


Types of coffee roasts

Roasting the coffee brings out the aroma of the green beans. These are literally unwritten blank papers, soft with a grassy scent. Roasting sets chemicals in motion, providing each batch of beans with specific flavor characteristics, scents, and aroma. It is overall a complex process that could even be considered art!

  1. Light roast coffee

If you’re looking for a fragrant yet milt, fruity or floral coffee, a light roast is your type!

  • Milder coffee varieties
  • No oil on the beans’ surface
  • Light brown color
  • Light body
  • Pronounces acidity

Also known as: Light City, New England, Cinnamon, Half City

  1. Medium roast coffee

If you’re looking for a more traditional and flavorful cup of coffee, this is your choice. It’s also the most preferred type of coffee in the USA.

  • Medium brown color
  • More body than light roasts
  • No oil on the beans’ surface
  • More balanced flavor and aroma

Also known as: City Roast, Breakfast, American, Regular Roast

  1. Medium-dark roast coffee

If you’re into bittersweet notes with deep flavors, you’ll enjoy dark roast.

  • Rich, dark color
  • Some oil on the beans’ surface
  • Heavy body
  • Somewhat bittersweet coffee taste

Also known as: Full-City Roast, After Dinner Roast

  1. Dark roast coffee

Looking for the heavy mouthfeel, strong smoky or even burnt flavor, with very low acidity (the darker the roast, the less acidity)? Go for a dark roast!

  • Nearly black color
  • Oily beans
  • Apparent bitterness
  • Low caffeine

Also known as: French, Italian, Espresso, Viennese, High, Continental, New Orleans, Spanish, and European Roast

Coffee Grind Chart: Why Are Coffee Grinds Different?

Different coffee makers require different coffee grinds. We grind coffee differently to get the best results in terms of flavor and aroma. You could use the same grinds for all brewers but that would result in lousy coffee as different brewers work in different ways.

But, coffee grinds and coffeemakers can be confusing at times. So, let’s have a look at the complete list of grind levels, how they look like, and when to use them.

1. Extra coarse grind

Large pieces of coffee (think kosher salt), enable maximum extraction of flavor with a large surface area

Use for: toddy brewer, cowboy coffee, Nitro cold brew coffee, French press cold brew coffee, other cold-brew coffee

2. Coarse grind

Kosher salt size (slightly smaller than with extra coarse)

Use for: French press coffee, cupping, percolators

3. Medium-coarse

Gritty coffee grinds, resemble sand in a way

Use for: café solo, Chemex brewer

4. Medium grind

Use for: drip coffeemakers

5. Medium-fine grind

Use for: pour-over brewers (automatic and manual), siphon brewers, and vacuum pots

6. Fine grind

Coffee grind is smooth and fine when you touch it

Use for: espresso brewers, Moka pot

7. Extra fine grind

Very fine powder, you can’t really see any grains. It resembles flour.

Used for: Turkish coffee

A list: Different types of Coffee

As you were able to see, there are many different sorts of coffee bean in the world. That also means that there are numerous different types of coffee available! Now, we’ll focus on the most popular kinds of coffee.

Let’ have a quick look at how to make different types of coffee drinks. I’ve provided a list of coffee drinks, the most common that we know.

  • Espresso

Short black or espresso, is the most important coffee type there is (or so I dare to claim). It’s the foundation of many espresso-based drinks. In other words, it’s a type of coffee made with a cappuccino machine.

  • Café Latte (café au lait)

Also latte for short, this type of coffee is espresso-based with steamed milk and topped with creamy microfoam. It’s sweet and quite milky compared to espresso.

  • Cappuccino

Similar to a latte, cappuccino has more foam and it’s in many cases topped with chocolate. It’s served in a coffee cup, whereas latte is normally served in a tumbler glass.

  • Flat white

The idea here is similar to cappuccino: espresso and steamed milk. The difference is that flat white comes flat, without any foam or chocolate.

  • Macchiato (Piccolo Latte)

Also known as short macchiato, this coffee is similar to espresso but it comes with a dollop of steamed milk and foam. There are different versions of this drink, depending on the country you’re visiting. In some countries, they serve it in a glass, in others in a small cup.

  • Long black

Also known as Americano, long black is a single shot of espresso poured into hot water.

  • Ristretto

Ah, if you think espresso is too light for you, go for a ristretto. It’s made the same way but with half the amount of water. Yes, it’s a very dark and concentrated espresso.

  • Affogato

This one is more of a dessert than an actual coffee, lovely for hot summer days. It’s basically espresso with a scoop of vanilla ice cream.

  • Cortado

One of my favorite coffee types while I was traveling around Spain, a cortado is made with little or no foam. It contains a single shot of espresso with an approximately equal amount of steamed milk.

  • Mocha

A mix of cappuccino and hot chocolate, mocha is espresso with steamed milk, chocolate powder, and creamy microfoam.


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